You’ve Come a Long Way Baby
...Or Have You?
By: Beverley Golden
There’s little denying that women’s rights issues are smack dab at the forefront of the cultural conversation now. Equal pay for equal work and the pro-choice movement are just two of the most heated conversations.
To think that in the US, it was only in 1963 that the first legislation requiring equal pay for equal work was passed. Sometimes both women and men take for granted many of the ‘rights’ women have had to stand up and fight for, without thinking about where we were and how far we’ve really come.
A leisurely walk on the beach had me flash back to memories made in my own life and the changes and advances for women I’ve been privileged to witness in the last forty years. As the saying goes, “We’ve come a long way, got a long way to go.” Join me as I take a trip down memory lane in, “You’ve Come a Long Way Baby...Or Have You?” You can read it Here.