It's All About Attitude

Edited by Admin
Its All About Attitude

My Mother Taught Me

That Living to 100 is

All About Attitude


Can you imagine living to 100? With no conditions attached. No saying, “As long as I’m healthy” or “As long as I have all my senses.” No qualifications, either. “Only if the people I love live that long, too.” Just unconditionally saying, “YES” to living to 100. Living is the keyword. So is the word “yes.”


Aging, or the desire to avoid it, seems to be a hot topic du jour. In our modern-day world, no matter where you look, people are offering advise, products or services ‘guaranteed’ to stave off father time. Regardless of our age, the idea of getting older has some built in beliefs about what aging looks like. Although getting older is inevitable, maybe the preconceived ideas of aging we’ve all bought into...are not.


I’m very fortunate to have my mother Lillian as a shining example of what is possible when it comes to living life fully and making it to 100. On March 2 she celebrated her 100th birthday and my family threw a birthday celebration party to honour her.


Curious why getting older without ‘aging’, especially when you have the right attitude, just might be the secret to longevity? You can read the full article “My Mother Taught Me That Living to 100 is All About Attitude” by clicking HERE.

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